Logical positivism
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Up to modern times , scientism again exists as the forms of logical positivism , empiric-criticism and experimentalism etc.
Circumstances of " Metaphysics " & A Comparison on Philosophical Methods Between Logical Positivism and Marxism
Influences on Thoughts of Western Management from the Logical Positivism
The critique of the scientific view in the logical Positivism
See also logical positivism .
Scientific interpretation is influenceed by the concept of logical positivism .
Empiricism is the common ground of logical positivism and John Dewey 's philosophy .
The psychology of science provides a link for us to connect logical positivism dimension , historical dimension and social dimension .
The root of those problem is the scientific view bias of traditional philosophy of scientific which representing the Logical positivism .
The redefinition of science is the root of the mistake of the logical positivism .
Linguistic Realism : Unforeseen Contributions of Logical Positivism
The Ontological Base of Logical Positivism
The Origin of Logical Positivism
Comprehensive analysis of proposition and the distinction between propositions of logical positivism is a cornerstone for Ayer .
Rogers 's scientism began with doubt to logical positivism and finally found a new approach consisting of scientism method and positivism method .
Logical positivism in the description of the traditional standards of science when that science is truth , and objectivity , continuous progressive and rational .
They must improve their ability of sizing up the situation in a scientific way . Scientific interpretation is influenceed by the concept of logical positivism .
New Criticism receives influence from logical positivism through Richards'semantic analysis . The result of this influence is the critical approach of New Criticism known as " close reading " .
The criticisms reflect the crisis of logical positivism , but confuse objective truth with the social and cultural environment in which scientific knowledge is abused .
The different circumstances of " metaphysics " in Logical Positivism and Marxism was the result of their using different philosophical methods in order to surpass the traditional thinking methods .
Under the influences of Logical positivism , there are many disadvantages in the aspects of science education objectives , teaching contents , teaching methods , teachers ' philosophy of scientific quality .
From the perspective of cognitive pathology , Koch criticized the theoretical base of modern psychology , which was operationism , logical positivism .
Rudolf carnap * Was a leading exponent of logical positivism and was one of the major philosophers of the twentieth century .
From the above conclusions , it is easy to prove that idealism , positivism including logical positivism , and phenomenology are thoroughly wrong .
The third part analyses the three main trends of thought , such as mechanical philosophy , logical positivism and postmodernism and they how to affect the relations of science and religion .
He replaced the positivism 's truth theory of meaning with the probability theory of meaning , attempted to solve the problem of logical positivism 's verifiable principle of meaning .
Critical rationalism is the name of popper scientism falsification philosophy , and he build this scientism philosophy theory in the process of rebel the logical positivism .
It bases on the philosophy 's position of the logical positivism , holding that morals expresses individual emotions , denying moral 's objectivity and the ethics as a science .
Specifically , this article starts from two difficulties of logical positivism : first , the analysis method led to the opposition of observation and theory ; second , the theory divorced from the history of science .
From a neo-pragmatistic standpoint , H. Putnam criticizes Logical positivism which holds fact / valuedistinction and negates the objectivity of ethics .